Few companies can say they have more than 245 years of history.
Savarez is one of them and its reputation for quality is no more to prove.
This is why we are happy to announce the acoustic and recent electric line of Savarez has joined our catalogue exclusively for the Benelux.

Available for electric guitar and bass.
Hexagonal core. Secret and innovative stainless-steel alloy.
Bright tone, precise sound.
Floyd Rose : compatible

High-quality raw materials for over 70 years.
12 strings : 10-47 and 12-53

Available with a round (Nickel Explosion) or hexagonale core.
(Hexagonale Explosion) for guitar.
Available for bass in Hexagonale Explosion..
Nickel-plated wire.
Great attack, round sound..
Floyd Rose : Hexagonale Explosion are compatible

High-quality raw materials for over 70 years.
12 strings : 10-47 and 12-53.
Baritone : 15-63